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LA is Open for Business

Welcome to LA is Open for Business. This site is a one-stop collection of all the different levels of customer service Los Angeles Departments provide to businesses. From call centers to in-person meetings, you can find the best way to speak with qualified staff to quickly open or expand your business. 

Please note that these services cover a wide array of projects, and service descriptions should be read carefully, as they may not apply to your business.

LA City Planning
Bureau of Engineering
Bureau of Contract Administration (BCA)
LA Sanitation
Bureau of Street Services
Los Angeles Fire Department
City of Los Angeles Department of Cannabis Regulation
Economic & Workforce Development Department
Los Angeles Office of Finance


Department of Water and Power

The department of water and power approves the water and electrical plans for your business,  as part of your permit, and once your business is open they provide these services and bill for them on a monthly basis. They also offer a variety of energy efficiency and water conservation rebates and programs, retrofit programs, commercial EV charging station rebates, as well as specialized Small Business Support. LADWP can work with you on your project to help ensure a smooth application process, and provide updates on existing applications.



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Pre-Submission Consultation


LADWP provides Pre-submission Consultations for customers. All customers who have high-level questions regarding a proposed project can request this available service. The department will need to review whatever preliminary information is available, such as proposed project scope of work, load schedules, site plans, and single-line diagrams.  Please click the button to locate your Area engineer and supervisor using the proposed project address, and reach out to them requesting a pre-submission meeting. 




Virtual Counter - no appt/ appt only


Coming Soon

In-person counter


Not Available

Call Center

LADWP provides Customer Support for all DWP billing and program related issues, 24 hours a day

(800) DIAL-DWP

General Technical Assistance

DWP provides ALL customers assistance with Electric Service Requests (Non-Billing) through our Connection Center. Contact our Connection Center at (213) EMPOWER to request information about how to request a new or upgrade to an existing Electric Service, requesting status on an existing electric service request, or requesting contact information for the appropriate DWP staff member handling an electric service request.


Available Monday - Friday, 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM




Webinars & Workshops

DWP provides quarterly Workshops helping customers better navigate the New Business and Service Planning process, Net Energy Metering (NEM) – PV/BESS, Co-Gen Interconnection Process, requesting PV project submittals, and Commercial Electric Vehicle Service Request and Design Process. 



Department of City Planning

Los Angeles City Planning reviews project applications, processing entitlements, and approvals. That means that your business will at some point interact with this department, regardless of if you are a micro business or developing a multi-hundred unit building. Making use of DCP services prior to and during filing can help reduce cost and time for your project to be completed. For example, both large and small projects can potentially qualify for Case Management (focused and comprehensive preliminary project review by a planner), which is available both virtually and in-person by appointment to review specific questions about your project.



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Pre-Submission Consultation


Pre-filing Review service

If your project is in a Redevelopment Area, you may qualify for a pre-application review , a specialized review of Redevelopment standards to minimize cost and review times.



Pre-filing Review service

For wireless Telecommunications projects, you may qualify for a pre-application review, to lower cost and time barriers for wireless telecom facilities.



Pre-filing Review service

If your business involves or proposes to involve live dancing and/or the sale and/or service of alcoholic beverages, you may qualify to use this Alcohol and Dancing authorization pre-application consultation.




Administrative Clearance Services - Coastal Zone Categorical Exclusions

If your project is in the Coastal Zone and meets certain criteria, you may qualify for Categorical Exclusions in Coastal. This service improves efficiencies in specialized service to projects in the coastal zone.




Administrative Clearance Services - Mulholland Scenic Parkway Specific Plan Administrative Clearance

If your project is in the Mulholland Specific Plan area and aims to conform to standard, you may qualify for the Mulholland Scenic Parkway Specific Plan Administrative Clearance - a specialized review of Mulholland standards to minimize cost and review times.




Administrative Clearance Services - Historic Status Specialized Review

If your project is a historic resource or aims to obtain historic status, you may qualify for specialized review of Historic Cultural guidelines to minimize cost and review times.




Administrative Clearance Services - CPIO Administrative Clearances

If your project is in a CPIO area and aims to conform to standards, you may qualify for specialized review of CPIO Administrative Clearances standards to minimize cost and review times.  




Administrative Clearance Services - Redevelopment Project Area administrative clearance

If you project is in the Redevelopment Plan area and aims to conform to standards, you may qualify for Redevelopment Project Area administrative clearance, a specialized review of Redevelopment standards to minimize cost and review times. 




Administrative Clearance Services - Administrative Map Processing

If your business seeks a minor subdivision of land or private street, you may qualify for the Administrative Map Processing, to lower cost and time barriers related to processing administrative subdivision cases. 




Administrative Clearance Services - Restaurant Beverage Program

If you are a restaurant seeking alcohol authorization for your outdoor dining through a streamlined ministerial review process, you may qualify for the Al Fresco Alcohol Authorizations.




Case Filing Services - Case Management 

If your project requires interdepartmental coordination, you may qualify for Case Management for pre-development consultations, assistance and troubleshooting.




Additional Specialized Services - Local Emergency Order Time Extensions

If your project seeks to extend discretionary City Planning approval, you may qualify for this assistance to minimizes cost & saves time.




Additional Specialized Services - Design Review 

If you have a discretionary projects requiring a design review, you may qualify for Design Review. This is a preliminary and in-process project review by a planner with an urban design focus for discretionary projects, and helps shorten design review time.




Virtual Counter - Planning and Zoning Consultations

This is a virtual, focused, preliminary project review by a planner for opening or expanding a business. 




Virtual Counter - Development Services Counter (DSC)

This is a virtual appointment for those seeking: Categorical Exclusion, Coastal Clearance (Coastal Exemption), Landscape Plan Approvals, Local Emergency Order (LEO) Time Extension, Slope Band Analysis, Virtual DSC



In-person counter - Development Services Counter (DSC)

Development Services Counters (DSCs) are also available for in-person appointments throughout the City.




General Technical Assistance - Slope Band Analysis

If your project is in a Hillside Area and subject to slope band analysis review, you may qualify for supportive administrative review of land use standards. 



General Technical Assistance - Landscape Plan Approval

If your project requires review of conformance with landscape guidelines and zoning standards, you may qualify for supportive administrative review of land use standards. 



General Technical Assistance - Appeal filings 

If your project application is appealable through the City Planning process, you may qualify for a quicker appeal administration. 



General Technical Assistance - Case Management

Depending on your project, you may qualify for consultation, problem solving, facilitation, or preliminary project review by a planner. 



General Technical Assistance - Wireless telecommunications case condition clearance and case filings

If your project is a wireless telecommunications project, you may qualify for lower cost and time barriers for wireless telecom facilities.



General Technical Assistance - Alcohol Approval Monitoring

If your business was approved for alcohol sales, you may qualify to reduce time to operating with alcohol approval  by eliminating clearances and folding in compliance review, and to provide regular monitoring to minimize nuisance concerns. 



General Technical Assistance - Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Zoning Affidavit

If you are a business seeking to sell and dispense alcoholic beverages, you may qualify for a specialized technical review of local alcohol approval status for ABC licensing.



General Technical Assistance - Alcoholic Case LADBS Permit Clearance

If your business Business seeks to sell and dispense alcoholic beverages and perform physical construction or change use of your location, you may qualify for a permit clearance that is a specialized service to restaurants and other beverage-serving operations.



General Technical Assistance - Restaurant Beverage Program Administration

If you are a restaurant seeking to sell and dispense alcoholic beverages, you may qualify for a lower cost and time barrier administrative process.



General Technical Assistance - Review of minor DBS modifications

If you are a business seeking relief from specific zoning standards, you may qualify for a specialized technical review of minor deviations not requiring a City Planning application.



Direct Email

Anyone can email the Development Services Centers. Whether a project is small or large, the public counters at the Development Services Centers are where the City Planning land use review process typically begins and ends.. (metro)

OR (valley)

Department of Building and Safety

The Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) provides permitting, plan check, inspection, and code enforcement services for residential and commercial buildings in the City of Los Angeles. Staff at LADBS advise, guide and assist customers to achieve compliance with building, zoning, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, disabled access, energy, and green codes and local and state laws. You can speak with staff at the virtual counter to work with staff on your specific project, use the call center to request inspection or ask zoning and code questions, and take advantage of specialized programs such as the Restaurant & Small Business Express Program.



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Pre-Submission Consultation - Preliminary Plan Check

Available to all applicants. The Preliminary Plan Check Service provides applicants with an opportunity to meet with a plan check engineer to answer questions on Los Angeles Municipal Code requirements or obtain other information concerning their project, prior to plan check submittal. Preliminary Plan Check can assist permit applicants with code requirements and identify major site-specific issues prior to plan check submittal. Preliminary plan check service also helps applicants to navigate efficiently through the various permitting and application processes.



Pre-Submission Consultation - Development Services Case Management

Major and exceptional projects that require specific assistance and problem solving may qualify for Development Services Case Management.



Pre-Submission Consultation -  Restaurant & Small Business Express Program

Small businesses such as nail salons, barbershops, breweries, and retail stores that are undertaking a construction project with a permit valuation under $1,000,000, may apply to the program. Restaurants and bars, as well as studio and soundstage projects (Studio Concierge Program), may apply to the program regardless of permit valuation. This program will assist your project in the design stage, permitting stage, construction stage, and completion stage.



Virtual Counter 

Same day Virtual Counter for Building and Zoning Information. Speak with department staff about your project, available to everyone Monday-Friday 8:00AM - 11:00AM and 1:00PM - 3:00PM



Call Center

LADBS has a call center available to all Monday - Friday, 7:00AM - 4:30PM (last call sent at 4:15p)

311 or 213-473-3231

General Technical Assistance  - Development Services Case Management

Major and exceptional projects that require specific assistance and problem solving may qualify for Development Services Case Management.



General Technical Assistance  - Restaurant & Small Business Express Program

Small businesses such as nail salons, barbershops, breweries, and retail stores that are undertaking a construction project with a permit valuation under $1,000,000, may apply to the program. Restaurants and bars, as well as studio and soundstage projects (Studio Concierge Program), may apply to the program regardless of permit valuation. This program will assist your project in the design stage, permitting stage, construction stage, and completion stage.




Webinars & Workshops - Al Fresco on Private Property

In order to facilitate participants into the permanent program for all  Al Fresco participants, LADBS hosted two webinars focused on the Al Fresco program on private property, which as recorded and available for review, along with relevant slide decks.




Bureau of Engineering

The Bureau of Engineering is the City's lead agency for the planning, design and construction management of public buildings, infrastructure and open space projects. Engineering also manages permitting for construction in the public right-of-way, such as on sidewalks. The bureau can assist with permits for construction of improvements, expansion of existing buildings or new buildings that would be subject to LAMC 12/37, and letting you know your sewer availability and access.



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Pre-Submission Consultation - Customer Service Request (CSR)

For any questions before, during, or after a project, you can communicate to the Bureau through the Customer Service Request (CSR) system. It allows customers and City staff to upload any number of attachments to facilitate the processing of some tasks. 



Pre-Submission Consultation - Permits for Construction 

If you are expanding an existing building or building a new one, you will need to submit a permit for construction.



Pre-Submission Consultation  - Sewer Availability

If you are expanding an existing building or building a new one, you will need to be assessed for sewer generation and fees. 



Virtual Counter - Same Day

Same-day Virtual Counters are available for you to speak with staff.



Virtual Counter - Appointment

You can make an appointment to fit your schedule to speak with staff at the Virtual Counter



In-Person Counter

You can make an appointment to fit your schedule to speak with staff at an in-person Counter.




Call Center

The Bureau of Engineering can be accessed by phone through 311.

Dial 311

Bureau of Contract Administration

The Bureau of Contract Administration provides contract and construction administration services to ensure quality construction for street improvements, sewer and storm drain construction, bridges, tunnels, sewage disposal plants, and more. They monitor and authorize payments to the contractor(s) for acceptable progress, minimize public liability, ensure public safety and convenience, and certify the quality of the finished product meets the design standards. You can meet with a staff member through a virtual Project Assistance Meeting to ask questions specific to your project. 



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Pre-submission Consultation - Permit Assistance

Virtual meetings are available to speak with an inspector who can answer questions and provide guidance for Public Work permit requirements, and answer questions relating to Executive Directives 1 & 4 (ED1 & ED4).




Virtual Counter - Project Assistance Meeting (PAM)

Appointments can be scheduled Monday thru Thursdays between 8 am and 9 am. The BCA PAM facilitates easy access to a live inspector who can answer questions and provide guidance for Public Work permit requirements, and answer questions relating to Executive Directives 1 & 4 (ED1 & ED4).



Call Center - Dispatch Call Center

BCA has a call center for clients with Public Works permits & City awarded contracts available Monday - Friday from 7:00AM - 3:30PM

(213) 485-5080

General Technical Assistance - Construction Inspection for Permits in the Public Right of Way

For inspection requests on public right of way permits and providing assistance through virtual Project Assistance Meetings.



Direct Email

Los Angeles Sanitation and Environment

The main purpose of LA Sanitation (LASAN) is to collect, clean and recycle solid and liquid waste generated by residential, commercial and industrial users in the City of Los Angeles and surrounding communities. LASAN issues permits, and the main categories that will affect businesses are Low Impact Development (LID)  or Industrial Waste Management Division (IWMD). LASAN will conduct plan checks, issue your certificate of occupancy, issue water permits, give clearance for new businesses, and more. You can speak with a staff member both virtually and in-person about your specific project by appointment. 



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Pre-Submission Consultation - Low Impact Development (LID) - Plan Check

If your project seeks the creation, addition, or replacement of 500 SF or more of impervious areas, LID Plan Check is required. Step-by-step guides, portals, documents, and appointments are available to assist you. 



Pre-Submission Consultation - Low Impact Development (LID) 

A predevelopment, pre submittal meeting can be provided for all LID Services; including General Technical Assistance.

Email is preferred. (213) 482-7066

Pre-Submission Consultation - LID- Certificate of Occupancy

Required if LID was required during Plan Check. Step-by-step guides, portals, documents, and appointments are available to assist you. 



Pre-Submission Consultation - LID Restamp

If your project has had changes to previously approved plans that do not require a change to the LID Approved, or Stormwater Mitigation Systems, you will need a restamp.



Pre-Submission Consultation - Industrial Waste Management Division (IWMD) Industrial Waste-water Permit

If your project is a new business, it may require an Industrial Waste-water Permit, if it is discharging Industrial Waste-water to City Sewers. It is not applicable when not discharging Industrial waste-water. 



Pre-Submission Consultation - Waste-water Clearance

For new Businesses who were assigned to LA Sanitation and Environment by Los Angeles Building & Safety Department to projects that may discharge Industrial Waste-water, clearance is required.



Virtual Counter 

Available to any business Monday-Friday 8:00AM-3:00PM



In-Person Counter

Available to any business Monday-Friday 8:00AM-3:00PM



Call Center - Industrial Water Management Division

While email is preferred and responded to within 1-2 business day, a phone number and voicemail are available for any business.

(323) 342-6200

Call Center - Low Impact Development

While email is preferred and responded to within 1-2 business day, a phone number and voicemail are available for any business

(213) 482-7066

General Technical Assistance  - Low Impact Development (LID) 

A predevelopment, pre submittal meeting can be provided for all LID Services; including General Technical Assistance.

Email is preferred. (213) 482-7066

Direct Email - Law Impact Development (LID)

LID is a leading stormwater management strategy that seeks to mitigate the impacts of runoff and stormwater pollution as close to its source as possible. New development and redevelopment projects are required to incorporate LID measures into their design plans as part of their plan check review and building permit approval process.

Direct Email - Industrial Waste Management (IWM) clearance for a Food Service Establishments (FSE)

For Food Service Establishments needing IWM clearance, plan check staff will review plans to verify compliance with the Los Angeles Industrial Waste Control Ordinance.

Bureau of Street Services

The Bureau of Street Services (BSS) maintains the City’s street network through programs such as repaving roads, street tree and median maintenance, street improvement construction that enhances safety, accessibility, and mobility, street sweeping, sidewalk repairs, and more. If your business is affected by the City’s streets and sidewalks, you will work with BSS. 



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Pre-development Services - Urban Forestry

Urban Forestry tree services (clearances, permits, inspection requests, pre-development projects)



Virtual Counter - By appointment only

Bureau of Street Services staff are available to help you virtually by appointment.

BSS External Relations Team - 


BSS Urban Forestry Division - 


BSS Investigation & Enforcement Division - 213-847-6000

In-person Counter - Downtown Los Angeles

An in-person counter for sidewalk vending permits, the public counter at the Public Works Building (1149 S Broadway, LA CA 90015) is available by appointment ONLY Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Call for an appointment: 

213-847-6000 (Investigation and Enforcement Division) 213-814-1144 (vending hotline - Monday -Thursday 7:00 AM - 4:30 PM; Friday 6:00 AM - 2:30 PM)

In-person Counter - Van Nuys

For sidewalk vending permits, the public counter at the Marvin Braude Building (6262 Van Nuys Blvd, Van Nuys, CA 91401) is currently available for walk-ins Tuesday and Wednesday from 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM

213-847-6000 (Investigation and Enforcement Division) 


213-814-1144 (vending hotline - Monday -Thursday 7:00 AM - 4:30 PM; Friday 6:00 AM - 2:30 PM)

Call Center

Available to everyone Monday - Friday 7:00AM - 3:45PM


General Technical Assistance - Import and Export of Earth Materials Permit

This permit is closely tied to Hillside Ordinance areas, and is used when traversing hillsides or when required by DCP. Work in the “flats,” and 90% of construction jobs overall, do not require this type of permit. This permit allows BSS to inspect the haul of earth materials and ensure public safety in the public right-of-way and prevent undue damage to the streets. 



Apply for Permit

General Technical Assistance - New Entrance Canopy Permit

This applies when a new entrance canopy is proposed for the entry to a building. This is commonly used at hotels. This is an annual permit that allows BSS to conduct inspections over the erection, construction and maintenance of the new canopy.



General Technical Assistance - Entrance Canopy Permits Annual Renewal Permit and Inspection Fee

This annual permit fee applies to buildings, commonly hotels, that utilize canopies at their entrances. An annual permit that allows BSS to conduct inspections to ensure that the canopy would not result in serious inconvenience to persons using the public street or sidewalk, or residing in the vicinity, and if the proposed location of the canopy is an appropriate one.



General Technical Assistance - Overload Permit

An “overload” is any load over 8'6" wide or over 65' long, or over 14' tall, or weighs over 80 tons. Overloads are rarely tied to construction activity, perhaps periodically for a crane. These permits are mostly tied to the Port and shipping containers. This permit allows BSS to inspect overloads and ensure safety of the public right-of-way and prevent damage to streets. For single trip permits, BSS determines the route and times of overloads. 




Apply for Permit

General Technical Assistance - Discharge of Excess Water in Street Permit

This is an annual fire test that happens frequently in new construction, prior to the opening of a building, always in conjunction with LAFD and LADBS. The work must be closely coordinated, as water discharge will only be permitted between 4:00-6:00 AM on weekdays (Monday through Friday). This permit allows BSS to limit permits for excess water discharge and collect fees associated with the initial test of fire-fighting apparatuses thereby minimizing damage to streets and traffic hazards.




Apply for Permit

General Technical Assistance - Building Materials Permit

This applies when some portion of the public right-of-way is needed to help facilitate construction. If an applicant has an existing A- or B-Permit from BOE, then BSS will not charge them for a Building Materials Permit. Building Materials Permits are commonly used when construction projects on private property need to make use of public property (usually a sidewalk) in some way, including sidewalk canopies or protective fences.




Apply for Permit

General Technical Assistance - Root Prune Permit

All proposed root pruning must receive a permit from the Urban Forestry Division before the pruning can commence. Root pruning is often requested due to excavation work near a tree. Regardless of whether the process to impact trees/tree roots – thus triggering the need to root prune – was initiated in the design or entitlement phase of a project, anyone seeking to prune tree roots must still apply for and receive a root prune permit.




Apply for Permit

General Technical Assistance - Private Property Native/Protected Tree Removal Permit

All proposed removals of private property native trees or protected trees must receive a tree removal permit from UFD before the removal can commence. Tree removals, including removal of protected trees or native trees located on private property, are often requested in conjunction with construction. Regardless of whether the process to remove a tree(s) was initiated in the design or entitlement phase of a project, anyone seeking to remove a tree must still apply for and receive a tree removal permit.



General Technical Assistance - Street Tree Removal Permit

All proposed street tree removals must receive a tree removal permit from the Urban Forestry Division before the removal can commence. Street tree removals are often requested in conjunction with construction. Regardless of whether the process to remove a tree(s) was initiated in the design or entitlement phase of a project, anyone seeking to remove a tree must still apply for and receive a tree removal permit.



General Technical Assistance - Building Permit Clearance to Impact/Remove Trees in the Parkway

This allows an applicant to proceed with obtaining LADBS building permit(s), ensuring that the project’s impact to trees has been reviewed by BSS/UFD and assuring that tree preservation has been incorporated into the project design, when feasible. BSS receives the request, reviews all documents, inspects the location, and communicates findings to the applicant. Revisions to the proposed design may be required to preserve/retain trees, prior to the Urban Forestry Division granting approval.

Applicant request pursuant to LADBS Clearance Summary Worksheet - Via BOE’s Customer Service (CSR) Portal Main UFD 


Contact Info: 


General Technical Assistance - Building Permit Clearance to Disturb/Remove Protected Trees

This process can occur either pre- or post-Letter of Determination (LOD) issuance by the Department of City Planning, should this be a discretionary type of project. In this process, often the Urban Forestry Division verifies a “tree report” that the developer or applicant has paid for that justifies why trees should be removed. 

Applicant request pursuant to LADBS Clearance Summary Worksheet - Via BOE’s Customer Service (CSR) Portal Main UFD 


Contact Info: 


General Technical Assistance - Building Permit Clearance CPIO (Community Plan Implementation Overlay)

This is a clearance added by the LADBS plan checker when a project seeks to improve the public right-of-way within a CPIO zone. Generally,  the Urban Forestry Division is asked to sign off on the CPIO requirement that trees be planted a minimum of 25 feet apart. This process can occur either pre- or post-Letter of Determination (LOD) issuance by DCP, and only applies to discretionary projects located within CPIO zones. *Note: By-right projects do not need a Letter of Determination from the Department of City Planning.

Applicant request pursuant to LADBS Clearance Summary Worksheet - Via BOE’s Customer Service (CSR) Portal Main UFD 


Contact Info:


General Technical Assistance - BOE U-Permit Review/Clearance

The Bureau of Engineering  issues U-Permits for excavations in the public right-of-way related to utilities. BSS's Urban Forestry Division (UFD) is called upon to verify that there are no issues with trees, or that tree roots will not impact the underground excavation work. This process occurs significantly after the Letter of Determination (LOD) has been issued by the Department of City Planning, should this be a discretionary type of project. 

Applicant request pursuant to LADBS Clearance Summary Worksheet - Via BOE’s Customer Service (CSR) Portal Main UFD 


Contact Info: 


General Technical Assistance - DCP Environmental Clearance/Stamped Report

The Department of City Planning Environmental Clearance/Stamped Report (pre-LOD) is a step in the entitlement/design process, that occurs BEFORE the ultimate issuance of a Letter of Determination (LOD) by the Department of City Planning, and involves a project’s impact to trees in general, regardless of whether or not the trees are protected. This ideally comes relatively early in the design/entitlement process. 

Applicant/developer or DCP Request is submitted to UFD via BOE’s Customer Service Request (CSR) Portal Main UFD 


Contact Info: 


General Technical Assistance - DCP Inter-Departmental Correspondence Case Conditions

The Department of City Planning Inter-Departmental Correspondence Case Conditions (post-LOD) is a step that occurs AFTER DCP has already issued the Letter of Determination (LOD). Work is already happening, and BSS is called upon to review and ensure that the applicant is complying with the conditions that have been set in the LOD. Examples of conditions might be: removing/replacing trees to UFD satisfaction as well as the planting of trees.

Applicant/developer or DCP Request is submitted to UFD via BOE’s Customer Service Request (CSR) Portal Main UFD 


Contact Info: 


General Technical Assistance - Urban Forestry Division (UFD) B-Permit Plan Review & Bond Estimates

The Urban Forestry Division (UFD) is notified via the Bureau of Engineering's (BOE) Projectdox system, which is used by BOE to coordinate with City departments during the early pre-construction review period as a B-permit is being developed. The UFD B-Permit Plan Review & Bond Estimates checks for inclusion and accuracy of standard tree notes to contractors, as well as providing a bond estimate relative to the number of trees to be planted along a project’s frontage under the future B-permit.


General Technical Assistance - Review of Revocable A-Permit and Revocable B-Permit for Landscaping / Irrigation 

Engineering Services Division Review of Revocable A-Permit and Revocable B-Permit for Landscaping / Irrigation applies to projects that are incorporating landscaping and irrigation, and are in need of Engineering Services Division approval prior to issuance of the Revocable A-Permit or Revocable B-Permit by BOE.

For Revocable A-Permits: An electronic PDF is submitted to


For Revocable B-Permits: Correspondence via the BOE Projectdox system

Direct Email - Urban Forestry Division

Direct Email - Design Services

For Right of Way Landscaping

Direct Email - External Relations Team

Direct Email - Investigation & Enforcement Division

Los Angeles Fire Department

The Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) will inspect your business for fire safety issues, enforcing state and local fire code. They offer consultations, emergency preparedness guidelines, and licenses, permits, and inspections to be a compliant business in the City.



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Pre-submission Consultation - Fire Safety Plan Review

Applicable to new buildings, additions, and change of use/interior alterations have required review for fire-life safety compliance.



Pre-submission Consultation - Hydrants and Access Review

New or additions to buildings would need to comply with hydrant locations and access into and around the building. 



Virtual Counter

Speak with an LAFD staff member about your project



Business Technical Assistance

Economic & Workforce Development Department (EWDD)

Launched in 2013, Economic and Workforce Department Development (EWDD) provides a broad range of programs that offer assistance in the areas of business support, employment and youth development. All programs are designed to grow and improve Los Angeles’ economy while building a well-trained and job-ready workforce. They operate nine BusinessSource Centers (BSCs) throughout the city that are in-person locations for anyone in the City of Los Angles to get help such as access to capital, business plan development, tax incentives and credits, business courses and training, employee hiring and workforce development to business owners or startups, and more. 



Get Connected

Pre-submission Consultation - One-on-One Counseling

Through the BusinessSource Centers (BSCs) dedicated coaches and consultants assist you with specific business needs. Bilingual advisors are available to help complete the required documentation to secure the City of LA, State of California and County of Los Angeles Permits. Depending on the location, BusinessSource Centers offer services in Spanish, Armenian, French, Korean, Mandarin, Russian and Vietnamese. 



Pre-submission Consultation -  Entrepreneur Training Programs (ETP)

A strategic and comprehensive business training for start-ups.



In-person Counters

Available at all BusinessSource Centers (BSCs). There are nine BSCs throughout the City, and they offer different language assistance depending on the location. Find more information on the BSC website




Call Center

Each BSC has their own phone number





Each BSC has their own Email




Workshops and Webinars

Each BSC offers different Workshops or Webinars throughout the year. 




Department of Cannabis Regulation

The Department of Cannabis Regulation (DCR) processes all applications for commercial cannabis licenses in the City of Los Angeles, makes licensing decisions or licensing recommendations to the Cannabis Regulation Commission, and regulates the operations of licensed commercial cannabis businesses in the City.



Get Connected

Pre-submission Consultation - Business License/Compliance Assistance

Only available to social equity applicants who qualify. The Department of Cannabis Regulation We currently offers over 1,500 hours of free business, professional, and workforce development coaching with subject-matter experts from a wide range of expertise.



Pre-submission Consultation - Pre-Application Review

All proposed business premises must be vetted before an application may be filed. Land-use compliance (LAMC 105) review prior to application submission.



Pre-submission Consultation - Updated Mapping Tools and Digital Dashboards

Applicants researching proposed business premises must comply with LAMC 105



Virtual Counter 

Representatives available Monday through Thursday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM



In-Person Counter

Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. DCR is located at the following address: 221 N. Figueroa St, Suite 1245 Los Angeles, CA 90012



Call Center

Representatives available Monday through Thursday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

(213) 978-0738

General Technical Assistance - Business Licensing and Compliance Program (BLC) 

Only available to verified Social Equity Individual Applicants (SEIAs). The Department of Cannabis Regulation’s Business, Licensing and Compliance (BLC) Assistance Program’s Learning Management System (LMS) allows eligible business to access online courses, digital resources and educational events. There is currently over 90 hours of education content on subjects such as: Branding & Marketing, Financial Planning and Security Requirements, among others. 



Workshops & Webinars

The Department of Cannabis Regulation provides frequent webinars for general applicants/licensees as well as SEIA only webinars. 



Direct Email

Email for licensing questions


Office of Finance



Get Connected

Public Counter 

Available to anyone doing business in the City of Los Angeles. Hours vary by location. Finance website has current hours and locations.



Call Center

Available to anyone doing business in the City of Los Angeles. Hours vary by weekday. Supplies general technical assistance, as well as acting as an entry point for other questions. 


Direct Email

Available to anyone doing business in the City of Los Angeles. Hours vary by location. Finance website has current hours and locations.