Resources and Incentives
Mayor Garcetti's Office of Veteran Affairs connects local employers with veterans. These companies offer jobs in which returning service members can use their skills to build fulfilling careers.
The Wilmington Chamber of Commerce provides resources, programs and other benefits to members and the local business community.
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a Federal tax credit available for employers to hire qualified individuals, including veterans, who have faced extreme barriers seeking employment. The State of California Employment Development Department is the WOTC certifying agency for California employers.
The World Trade Center Los Angeles (WTCLA) provides business assistance to international companies seeking to locate or expand operations in Los Angeles, and to local companies seeking to export products and services to the international market.
ZIMAS is a mapping application that provides detailed parcel reports to help identify zoning for your existing or prospective business address. The zoning will indicate whether your proposed business activity is a legally permitted use for that address.