Resources and Incentives
Navigate LA is a web-based mapping application developed by the City of Los Angeles that provides maps and reports using city data, and may help you research the local infrastructure and zoning for your property location.
The New Employment Credit is available to qualified businesses that increase their total number of full-time employees in California within a designated geographic area.
Operation Hope provides outreach, technical assistance, financial literacy training and loan production for commercial and small business financing.
The PACE Business Development Center and Women's Business Center provide free business consulting and low-cost training services including: business plan development, manufacturing assistance, financial packaging and lending assistance, exporting and importing support, disaster recovery assistance, procurement and contracting aid, market research help, 8(a) program support, and healthcare guidance. PACE LA is a city-sponsored BusinessSource Center.
The Technology Advancement Program provides funding, guidance, and staff support to test emission reduction technologies for the port industry.
The Port of Los Angeles Trade Connect Program provides and co-sponsors seminars focused on the fundamentals of exporting, including costs, risks and steps as well as the basics of commercial transaction, finding overseas markets, trade financing, documentation and logistics.
Port Technologies (PortTech) is an innovation and commercialization center that assists tech entrepreneurs in developing products and services that serve the maritime industry.
Regional Alliance Marketplace for Procurement (RAMP) has information about contracting opportunities with the City of Los Angeles.
RISE provides capital for expanding businesses through their Small Business Expansion Loan Program and provides loans to struggling business that have been in operation for a minimum of two years through their Seed Microloan Program. Contact (323) 233-1900
RISE provides financing for both businesses looking to expand and businesses experiencing hardship. -
The California State Treasurer offers a Sales and Use Tax Exclusion (STE) program for advanced manufacturers and manufacturers of alternative source and advanced transportation products, components or systems. The STE program will operate through 2020.