Resources and Incentives
The California Competes Tax Credit is an income tax credit available to businesses that are locating to or growing their business in California. Tax credits are based on a number of factors including the number of jobs directly created/retained; the wages paid to employees; and the amount of investment made in California. Tax credit agreements are negotiated by the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) and approved by the California Competes Tax Credit Committee.
The California Fashion Association (CFA) is a member and advocacy organization for the apparel and textile industry.
The California Healthcare Foundation offers small business owners everything they need to know about offering health insurance to employees.
The California Manufacturing Technology Consulting (CMTC) works with small and medium-sized manufacturers to provide training sessions and strategies that improve performance.
The California Pollution Control Financing Authority provides financing to small and large businesses through bond financing or a variety of other financing programs.
The California Small Business Loan Guarantee Program (SBLGP) provides loans to small businesses to help create and retain jobs and invest in low-to-moderate income communities. The SBLGP is administered by the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (iBank).
The California Tax Service Center is an online 'one stop' resource that provides information on State and Federal tax requirements for your business.
CMTC facilitates ExporTech™ for Manufacturers, a corporate management program that provides Executive Teams strategic focus, connects them to global trade resources, and enables them to create an export growth plan so they maximize business opportunities in global markets.
CMTC facilitates ExporTech™ for Manufacturers, a corporate management program that provides Executive Teams strategic focus, connects them to global trade resources, and enables them to create an export growth plan so they maximize business opportunities in global markets.
The Capital Projects Business Retention (CPBR) Program is an LADWP initiative to assist local businesses affected by some of our major infrastructure improvement projects with relief up to $18,000 worth of financial assistance annually during the duration of an approved project.